tumblebooks login and passwords
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It’s unlimited and it’s FREE for you to use from home! TumbleBookLibrary is an online collection of e-books for children. They are a great way to encourage tech-savvy kids to enjoy reading! There are over 250 animated, talking picture books.
Anyone can access this from home or school, all you need is the username and password. The website is www.tumblebooklibrary.com The user name is: websterps and the password is: books. Or you can simply click on the following links to log-in automatically.
Their service provides free access to children, young adult, romance, and audio books online, plus educational games and puzzles for school children, with no special account needed. TumbleBooks’ databases are easy to use, and feature unlimited access from home!
Please take advantage of the free access to e-books through the Tumble Book Library links below. The usernames and passwords for each site are listed below the links. Enjoy reading!
TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books which teach kids the joy of reading in a format they’ll love. They are created by taking existing picture books, adding animation, sounds, music and narration to produce an electronic picture book (and some classics) which you can read, or have read to you.
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You can read as many books as you want, when you want, and on any device. There are no check-outs, holds, or downloads, and books are available instantly. If TumbleBook asks for a username and password, enter : Username : haywardpl. Password : libra.
Username: harvardpl Password: libra OverDrive Kids TumbleBook Library The TumbleBookLibrary is a collection of TumbleBooks (animated, talking picture books), Read-Alongs, Ebooks which may be viewed online, and Tumble Puzzles & Games.
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